Who We Are

Habitat for Humanity Malawi (HFHM) is a not-for-profit faith based organization affiliated to Habitat for Humanity International, which originated in Georgia, United States in 1976. Habitat for Humanity Malawi was established in 1986 and is one of more than 70 international Habitat offices. Anchored by the conviction that safe and affordable housing provides a path out of poverty, HFHM has helped over 41 000 families make their housing dreams a reality.

HFHM has its major programs in a) Orphans and Vulnerable Group Housing (VGH) where fully subsidized houses and sanitation facilities are provided to vulnerable groups in rural communities, b) Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) to assist local communities maintain a conducive environment and prevent diseases, c) Disaster Risk Reduction and Response (DRRR) where HFHM works with disaster affected communities to respond, prepare and adapt to disasters, d) Housing Support Services (HSS) which aims at offering technical assistance to individuals who are constructing houses e) Informal Vocational Skills Training and f) advocacy program which aim at influencing systems, policies, and attitudes to achieve decent housing for all.

Vision, Mission, Mission Principles

A Malawi where everyone has a decent place to live
Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat brings together people to build Homes, Communities and Hope
Mission Principles
• Demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ
• Focus on shelter
• Advocate for affordable housing
• Promote dignity and hope
• Support sustainable and transformational development

Strategic Focus Area
The Key Strategic Focus Areas for HFHM are as follows;
1. Building Community Impact
HFHM serve families through sustainable construction and Housing Support Service (HSS), grow capacity to serve the most vulnerable, the disaster affected and the urbanizing world.
2. Building Sector Impact:
HFHM promote policies and systems that advance access to adequate, affordable housing.
3. Building Societal Impact
HFHM mobilize volunteers as heart, hands and voices for the cause of adequate, affordable housing.
4. Building Sustainable Organization
HFHM seek to fund the mission, grow skills, and leadership capabilities, and operate with excellence.

HFHM’s Beliefs
HFHM believes that:
1. Every one of us deserves the opportunity for a better future
2. Land lies at the foundation of life. Without secure land, there can be no secure housing, and housing is the to stability and opportunity.
3. A decent place to live can remove barriers to opportunity, health and success that might have been part of the family’s life to years and in many cases for generations.

Who we are